Transcription from original document owned by
The Victoria Regional History Center
VC/UHV Library
Materials Use Policy

MENEFEE - Colonial Homestead Site # 7

May 1966

On a high ridge that ends at the river (Lavaca River) and on the west side and north of the M. O. PAC Railroad, was the colonial home of the Menefee Family of Austins Colony on the Lavaca River. There has been some that believe this ridge was the site of M. de La Salle's Fort St. Louis Established 1685.

The location of this site is about one and half miles (1 ½) miles east of Vanderbilt Texas and is approx. six or six and half miles inland from Lavaca Bay -


August 15 1968

A survey was made of general area - afoot. Location is approx. 6 or 7 miles inland from present mouth of the river - as the crow flys [sic]. Some English European pottery was found - Early XIX Century - 1800-1826 - The location is good and agrees with description of country as described by M. Joutel. Pottery was cleaned, marked and cataloged .


Misinformation is that there are two graveyards located on this Menefee Site # 7. One is believed to be Indian. Graves were discovered by highway crews hauling sand in the construction of Highway # 616. The other is believed to be Colonial Early XIX Century. See a Mr. Green on this Point.

Aug 15, 1968 - Visited site on foot to lay of the land. Much early 19th - 1800 to 1826 English bone china was found and catalogued. The ridge was not completely gone over. Location and site is ideal.