The cemetery at Fort St. Louis, was according to the historian, Francis Parkman, located outside the palisadoed [sic] principal building. And by the first of July 1685, the cemetery had within its confines six (6) or more of M de La Salle's people. Two are named, these are
Sieur de Villeperdry, a volunteer. Died July 1685.
Sieur de Le Gros, a volunteer. Died from a rattlesnake bite. Died in Sept 1685.
Sieur de La Gros was held in high esteem by M de La Salle, for his general knowledge and his fidelity to the interprise [sic]. During the months of July, August and Sept. over thirty of the workman [sic] and soldiers died from hard work and heat [and] also from diseases contracted in the Port Petite Goave on the voyage over.
Also died in Sept. were the
Sieur de Carpentier, a volunteer. Born in Rouan, [sic] France. Died Sept. 1685
Sieur de Thibault, a volunteer. Born in Roaun, [sic] France.
Two soldiers, names not listed. Killed by the Indians near the Fort in 1686.
Sieur de Hurie, a volunteer. Died in 1686.
Sieur de Dominique Duhaut, The Younger. Died in 1686.
Eleven more of the soldiers and workman [sic] died of diseases contracted in the Port Petite Goave, names not listed, died in 1686.
On the 12th of January 1687, M de La Salle set out on his journey to the Illinois to get help for his establishment. And there were left at the fort, about twenty or more people. All of these were killed by the Indians in an attact [sic] on the fort in January of 1689 except three children , who were taken captive. Of the seventeen killed, the names of nine are not listed.
The other eight are :
Marquis de Sablonniere, Capt. of Foot Soldiers, who was sick in bed and unable to even walk, let alone fight. Killed Jan. 1689.
Friar, Maximus, A recolet Priest. Killed by the Indians, Jan 1689.
Father, Membre de, Zenobius, Superior to the Mission. Killed by the Indians 1689.
Father, de Chedeville, a Priest. Killed by the Indians, 1689.
Friar, de Le Clerc, a Priest of the Recolet Order. Killed by the Indians, 1689.
M Sieur de Barbier, who was left in command of fort. Killed by the Indians, Jan 1689.
Madame, Sieur de Barbier, wife of Sieur de Barbier. Killed by the Indians, Jan 1689. This womem [sic] was one of the eight women that joined the expedition at Rochelle France, and was the only woman that married. She was married to the Sieur de, Barbier, in 1686, at Fort St. Louis, on the Petite Riviere de Canne's (Lavaca).
Madame, Sieur de Talon, widow of the Sieur de Talon. Killed by the Indians, Jan 1689. This womens [sic] husband the Sieur de Talon, died at landing camp site on Matagorda Island in 1685.
A total of about 73 are buried in the Fort St Louis Cemetery. It is possible that fourteen of these are buried in a single grave and very shallow. For in February 1689, two of M de La Salle's people who had deserted him and were living as Indians with the Cenis tribe, hearing of the attact [sic] on the fort, came there and found fourteen bodies and buried them. And on April 22 1689, Capt. Alonso De Leon, a Spaniard who had been hunting the french fort, came there, found three more bodies, and buried them in a single shallow grave. It is possible that a few more of M de La Salle's people are also buried there. For several more were killed by the Indians on the shores of Lavaca Bay, and they could [have] been brought back to the fort, and buried there in the cemetery along with the others, as M de La Salle was very particular about burying his people as honorable as he could.
The two deserters were - M de Sieur Grollet and M de Sieur Archeveque.