Transcription from original document owned by
The Victoria Regional History Center
VC/UHV Library
Materials Use Policy

Lost With the L'Aimable When She
Was Run Aground on Pelican Island
At the Entrance to Matagorda Bay, 20th Feb. 1685

Provisions - almost all were lost
60 barrels of wine
4 cannons - about 6 pounders
1,620 cannon balls
400 grenades
4,000 pounds of iron
5,000 pounds of lead
Tools, spades, hoes, axes and other tools needed for the settlement
A forge, complete
A mill, complete
Cordage - most useful in building a settlement
12 or 14 boxes of small arms
Most all of the medicenes [sic]
Most all of the soldiers baggages [sic]
Most all of the baggage belonging to the volunteers and the family of M de Sieur Talon
Many bales of Normandy blanketsPots, kittles, [sic] and other cooking utensil