Transcription from original document owned by
The Victoria Regional History Center
VC/UHV Library
Materials Use Policy

Victoria Texas
June 23, 1968

Mr Michel Gaumond
Chef de Service
Service D'Archeologie
Dept. Of Cultrual [sic] Affairs
Province of Quebec, Canada

Dear Mr Gaumond,

Your reply to my letter of May 28, 1968, recived [sic]. I was overjoyed to learn that you would undertake to identity some pottery which I believe to be French and which was found on a site I think to be the location of M La Salle's Fort St. Louis in Texas. I am mailing to you under separate cover, a few fragments of this pottery. It is a glazed pottery. Some has a blue and some has a gray-tan color decoration. It is unlike the Spanish majolica of the eighteenth Century which was left here by the Spaniards in this area and none of the Spanish pottery has been found on this site. I was glad to get the map you enclosed with your letter and in studing [sic] the same, I find that the Riviere A'Cannes fits the river known as the Lavaca, and the Petite Riviere A'Cannes could be the creek or bayou known now as the Menefee Bayou. See the enclosed geological survey map of the area, and the Menefee Bayou. [map omitted]

The letter A X on this Bayou is the site I think the fort was located at. The letter B North and on the opersite [sic] side of the river is a hill. [This is] the hill M Joutel stated that the river ran by. Between A X and B is the marsh which he also mentioned. Now Sir, if the pottery is not French, don't feel bad about it, just let me know if it is French or is not French. I will just keep on hunting, for that fort has got to be on this river somewhere. Trusting to hear from you soon. I am

Sincerely Yours,

John L. Jarratt
505 East Commercial Street
Victoria Texas 77901

Mr Michel Gaumond
Dept of Cultural Affairs
Province of Quebec,