Transcription from original document owned by
The Victoria Regional History Center
VC/UHV Library
Materials Use Policy
La Salle Inventory
of all things left in charge of M de Sieur Joutel, Nov 1685
at Fort St Louis
- 8 Cannon...with no cannon balls, (used bags of shot)
- 200 Firelocks...Guns
- 200 Cutlasces [sic]
- 100 barrels of powder
- 3000 pounds of ball (bullets)
- 300 pounds of other lead
- a few bars of Iron
- 20 packs of Iron (to make nails)
- Some Iron work (from the wrecked L'Aimable)
- Some tools such as hatches [sic] axes
- some sacks of beads, knives ete [sic], to trade to Indians
- 20 casks of meal
- 1 ½ casks of Wine
- 3/4 of a cask of brandy
- A few hogs
- one Hen with a few chicks
- one rooster
Note/ The hogs later increased to 70 and the chickens to about two dozen or
This inventory was given to M de Joutel by M de La Salle when he left on his
first exploration trip after all had been assembled to Fort St Louis.