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From [Victoria] Advocate files [July 8, 1964]

July 8, 1914 - San Antonio - That he has found the exact spot at which LaSalle, the great French explorer, located his last colony on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico in 1685, and that he has proved accepted history wrong in this and in regard to the deathplace of La Salle, are the claims of Dr. Herbert E. Bolton of the University of California, who reached here today from an explorative trip along the Gulf Coast. He has positive proof, he asserts that the La Salle colony was located on the Garcitas river, only about five miles above its mouth. Historians have placed the colony on the Lavaca river, an affluent of Matagorda bay. Furthermore, Dr. Bolton says that LaSalle was killed on the Brazos, near the present town of Navasota. Historians have placed the killing on the Trinity river near the city of Dallas. -- "Victoria 50 and 25 Years Ago"