Transcription from original document owned by
The Victoria Regional History Center
VC/UHV Library
Materials Use Policy

Victoria Texas
Aug 1, 1968

Mr. Michael Gaumond
Chef de Service
Service d Archeologie
Quebec, Canada

Dear Mr. Gaumond,

Received your letter of July 9, and the identity of the fragments of pottery that I had sent you. Thanks a lot for this.

A few days later I received the fragments back, and also the two fragments of French pottery, I had never found anything just like this, and this will be of help to me in my search, I also wish to think [sic] you very much for loaning me these specimens. Mr. Gaumond, I would sure like to recive [sic] a photocopy of the 6 or 7 pages on Cavalier de La Salle, and the bibliographical on the best books written on M La Salle. There is not to[o] much about him in Texas.

I am sending you under separate cover, the May 12th 1968 historical adition [sic] of the Victoria Advocate. The Historical part is divided in eight sections . The sections No. I and No. II will show you how much confusion that still exists here, as to just where M de La Salle's Fort St. Louis is located. The historical adition [sic] is yours to keep for yourself. Again thanking you very much.

I am sincerely yours,

John L. Jarratt
505 East Commercial St
Victoria Texas 77901