Quebec, June 17, 1968
Dear Sir:
I would be glad to receive a specimen or fragments of bone china you found on a site you suppose to be LaSalle's Fort St-Louis on riviere Lavaca. Here in Quebec, we have a lot of potery [sic], ceramics from the XVIIth century, but most of them were imported from France and they were glazed on both sides and, in general, they are Faiences: that means soft paste mostly, beige in color and the glaze is coloured with a special blue; but the domestic procelaine [sic] is rather scarce and may be your finds would be something new.
Do you know the map which the title seams [sic] to be "La Louisiane au XVIIIieme siecle, datee de 1744" on which we can see a small river which is named "Petite riviere a Cannes" the legend (Etablissement de monsieur de LaSalle en 1685) and it is on the right bank of this "petite riviere a Cannes" and not on "riviere aux boeufs", which is shown on the same map.
I enclose a portion of this map, but I am sure you already have this map. I am sure you can read french and my english is not too good but I am sure you will understand my letter.
Truly yours,
Michel Gaumond
Chef de Service
Service d'Archeologie
Mr John L. Jarratt
505 East Commercial street
Texas 77901