Transcription from original document owned by
The Victoria Regional History Center
VC/UHV Library
Materials Use Policy


See also: Cardenas Map

photocopy of drawing of Texas coast at Lago de S. Bernardo

Notations (from upper left):
Poblacion Franceses
Rio de Franceses
Lago de (Todos Santos) (?)
Lago de S. Bernardo
Lago de Agua Dulce
Legend: Leguas Castellanas
Por los puntos negros desde A hasta L anduvo la Fragata
(Along the black dots from A to L traveled the frigates)

Por los colorados la Chalupa
(Along the red, the sloops)

Port los verdes la Canoa
(Along the green, the canoes)

NOTE: Library does not possess map in color to show dotted lines.