Transcription from original document owned by
The Victoria Regional History Center
VC/UHV Library
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Quebec, September 4th, 1968

Mr. Jarratt:

I just receive[d] the newspaper with the historical notes about fort St-Louis and the discussion between historians and archaeologists about the site of fort St-Louis. Thank you very much for this documentation.

I will send you the english edition of "dictionary of canadian biography" in which you will find extract about cavalier de LaSalle.

Can you find me the other map south of Laredo, Texas N-2845 W9630/7.5?

In my opinion, the fort was on the Lavaca river on the right bank between 5 and 6 miles from the sea. Also, there is a map which title is in french "Carte nouvelle de la Louisianne et de la riviere Mississipi, decouverte par M. de La Salle en l'annee 1684... dressee par le Sieur Joutel en 1713", in english this will be read "New map of Louisianna and Mississipi river discovered by Mr. de la Salle in the year 1684, drawn by Mr. Joutel in 1713". MAP

On this map, bay St-Louis or Matagorda bay is drawn in which 5 small brooks or rivers are coming, two from the west and three from the north. On the first river on the left it is written small brook where was built the first settlement, there is nothing on the second but, on the third it is written second settlement from which we started with Mr. de la Salle: this is fort St-Louis. The two next rivers are riviere aux cannes et riviere de la Sablonniere.

On the map, it is written that just over fort St-Louis or second settlement, the said river is separate in two portions. I will draw an extract of this map and send it to you but I will try to get a full copy of this map from the Public Archives of Canada.

Can you send me the map for 1690, drawn by Jose de Cardenas y Magana?

I still have hope that the site of fort St-Louis is on the farm on the small isle where I put a mark on your map last time, could be the middle point with Misses Ward's house.

I hope you will find ceramics, gun, flints, clay pipes, balls of mousquets and all of the things t[h]at we can find on the XVIIth century posts.

Sincerely yours,

Chef de Service
Service d'Archeologie
Institut National de la Civilization
Hotel du Gouvernment

Mr. John L. Jarratt
505 East Commercial St
Victoria Texas 77901